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Port Orford CommUnity Co-op

Local Produce Vendor Guidelines

We would love to sell your homegrown produce at the Co-Op!



It’s best to call ahead or come in and talk to someone to see if its something we think we can sell, and talk about pricing and contact information.


Contact us ahead of the week to let us know what you might bring so we can be ready to sell. We don’t necessarily need to know exact amounts, but we do need to know what you will be bringing so we can get it into our system ahead of time.


Bring an invoice with every delivery including prices and quantities. We will have a check for you by the following week or we can stack invoices and write a check monthly.


If you have large quantities of specific items its best to contact our produce manager Deb by the Sunday before so she can adjust her other ordering accordingly.


We only pay for what we can sell. If there is a lot left over at the end of the week, we will deduct it from the original amount. You are welcome to come in on Saturday afternoon and take back what we haven’t sold.



We will work with you on pricing. In general we will let you name your price and sell at a 40% markup. If we have multiple local vendors selling the same items(during tomato season sometimes we have several different people bringing in tomatoes) we will try and come up with a price that works for everyone.


Contact: Use our Contact Us page (or email us directly) to request a PDF of the Vendor Contact Form to bring in with each week's delivery or to ask us your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

This information and the Vendor Contact Form are available in printed form at the co-op. 

Copyright 2013-2024 © Port Orford CommUnity Co-op.

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